A downloadable mod

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New additions available during runtime:  (for Free, Pro and Studio users)

- First Person Camera:  Adjustable:  Rotation speed,  JumpsSpeed,  Canfly,  Head-bobbing speed, bobUp and bobSide amounts.

- Spotlights: Adjustable Direction, Inner cone, Outer cone and Attenuation (similar to Radius)

- Lens Flare: Adjustable On/off, Size, Max alpha and when activated

- Nodes: Adjustable Gravity, Collision size (crouch walking etc) and can Flip faces also

-  Material: 2nd texture emissive (SOLID_2_LAYER) bit like PBR emissive (DirectX)

- Material: Transparent Alpha with smooth alpha adjustment (Param1) plus any static mesh can be transparent (DirectX)

- Material: Cross fade between 2 textures (day/night cycle or animated textures) (DirectX)

- Textures: Adjust scaling dynamically & auto delete textures except for ones wanted

- Terrain: Texturing according to surface Angle or Height (or both)

- Terrain: Overlay new texture over top of existing textures for weather type effect 

- Terrain: Get surface texture index for correct walking/impact sounds

- Plants: Auto removal of plants placed over certain Angle or Height

- Plants: Get closest plant to player for correct Collision sounds

- Plants: Adjust any plant Size dynamically

- Occlusion Culling: For any static mesh (not for transparent materials) - great for terrains (DirectX)

- Fog: No more skybox corner glitching correct when viewed at any angle

- Fog: Linear fog also available

- Physics: Set object density, rotation (for held objects) and get impact damage (for thrown objects). Can now walk up stairs and over objects.

- Screen Resolution: Set internal resolution (wont  affect monitor) - full screen or windowed

- Fonts: On start, load any font automatically or afterwards using my API and apply to any 2d overlay

- Fonts: Use image based fonts instead and only show certain lines of text as needed (best for changing resolution)

Please consider making a donation for all the hard work gone into this so far.

Cheers, Robbo.

Updated 27 days ago
CategoryGame mod
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(5 total ratings)


Buy Now$1.00 AUD or more

In order to download this mod you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $1 AUD. You will get access to the following files:

CC_Upgrades.7z 30 MB

Development log


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Hey man! Just purchased this.
I am having a difficulty in finding a "head bobbing" script, can you help me out with that? Thanks in advance! 


Hi Niven,

The head bobbling works automatically for the first person character.

You can adjust its vertical and sideways movement using these API's :

#Camera.bobspeed = 0-2; **NEW** use the 'Set or Change a Variable' and the name of the camera

#Camera.bobUp = 0-2; **NEW** use the 'Set or Change a Variable' and the name of the camera

#Camera.bobSide = 0-2; **NEW** use the 'Set or Change a Variable' and the name of the camera

- here Camera is the name of your FPS Camera node.

Thanks for the response. 
I wrote you in discord, so maybe you can give an example file of it there, if you can of course. I tried that and it didn't work so. 

Writing to you again friend, like I said it doesn't really work. Maybe you can give an example file on discord or via email? I would gladly appreciate that and add some tips for it as well.

Did you work it out ?

The compiled exe file must be attached using Pro or Studio into CopperCube.

The head bobbing auto works with no API's needed by default.

Use the latest version in case you have an older one that doesn't have this.

This is a paid asset 


Hi again!
Well, I guess it won't work then, because I have a free addition of Copper Cube 6, right? Just downloaded the file, which I purchased and yeah, doesn't do anything much. Oh well, thanks anyways. I support your work anyways, so yeah, keep making great stuff man! 


I will make a version for the Free Edition also...give me a day or so...

still spinning

but it seemed like I used less behavior when rising, execute the script ccbSetPhysicsRotation(Node, true); (by the way, I noticed that the camera can now take off like in hl2 in the first versions).

the node must only be the object you pick up when using physics in CC - like using Svens behavior.

Is that what your doing ?

How apply ccbSetPhysicsRotation?

ccbSetPhysicsRotation(Node, false);

set as true or false

Followed the instructions but cant seem to get it to work for me, these javascript functions would be so helpfu

read the readme carefully - hope that is enough.

Thank you so much


Great robbo

thanks :)

Great, thanks!

cheers :)

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Thanks VP.

Not sure if could do that and in any case its part of the Editor which I don't have the code for anyway so unable to change anything in the Editor until Niko releases it to the public...maybe then I could....you could ask him to do that maybe..

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